directly applying meds for fin rot


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
2x Fish of the Month 🌟
Dec 3, 2020
Reaction score
United States
Hello, i have a guppy hexno who previously won fotm who has fin rot, as his tail is so large
can I wipe maracyn or aquarium salt on the wound to treat it directly?
I would not put it on directly. Perhaps a salt dip with tank water and salt at the recommended level of salt.
I have cured mild infections on fins by dripping betadine onto the spot. You have to be careful it stays out of the eyes and gills, but it has been an effective treatment here.
Salt would injure the fish. Antibiotics would need time. When I was a teenager, getting my appendix out, I was painted with betadine pre-surgery. Here, you have to ask at the pharmacy counter for it, but it's worth having on hand.

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