Dinosuar eels


Fish Fanatic
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Arkansas, USA
does any one know anything about these i saw one at my lps and wanted to get it but the employee told me it would eat my other fish is this true
Probably Senegal Bichirs. Check the Oddballs Forum. There are numerous owners and informative threads there. They get fairly big and will eat any fish that will fit in their mouth when older.
yeah and theyre pretty helpless when smaller. i had a 4" one get killed by NW cichlids but my new 6-7" one isnt being attacked
The senegal bichir is often sold as a dinosaur eel, they can grow at least 12" long and will eat anything that can fit in their mouths. They need to be kept with large non agressive fish. Do a google search to find out more. If you want something eel like to fit in with your current fish take a look at khuli loaches they are great little fish which only groww 4 inch long.

Hope this helps


looking back at your current fish i see you already have the loach i would get him some friends and forget the eel

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