Dinosaur eel


New Member
Jun 5, 2004
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I just got a dinosaur eel
The people at the store weren't helpful
1) how big do they get
2)are they agressive
3) what do they eat
Thanks in advance
Dinosaur eel is a name given to Polypterus senegalus by some less reputable stores. Commonly known as bichirs all members of the polypterus family are predators and as such will consume any fish without armour plating that is able to fit into their mouths. They are not known to be aggressive but will sometimes bite other fish in their search for food, their eyesight is poor and anything that doesnt move out of the way smells like food. To start with they can be fed with bloodworms and small catfish pellets but once they are big enough to take larger foods the diet should be switched to meaty frozen foods like fish mussels and shrimp. Senegal bichirs attain a average size of around 12 inches.
Next time I'd say research first, buy second. ;) I'm going to get one myself, eventually. I've thought about adding one to my 3 Spot Gourami tank but I want to wait until those are a larger size so I can gauge their aggression and size for one of those. Plus I'm not sure a 30 gallon would be large enough to support them.
IMO a tank with a 36x12" footprint is perfectly adequate to keep one or two senegal bichirs provided they were the only bottom dwellers, their eel like shape means that they do not require as much room to move around as conventional fish.
That's what I was told and was thinking because of their slim size. My tank length is 36" across and 12" wide so it should be adaquate for one but I don't like to cramp fish unless it's necessary. I had two female Betta in another 30 gallon tank and a male in a 10 gallon before I had to move the females for their over eating disorder. I also have a lot of plants, fake and real plus some other stuff in there taking up ground space as well so it would reduce the amount of swimming space it has.

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