Dino Free!


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2006
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My little Sterbai Cory Dino really has been through a lot...not to mention my poor nerves....from finding him floating upside down and thinking he was minutes away from death......to staying up all night keeping his water at the right temp. by surrounding the bucket he was in with warm water (I now have a hospital tank to prevent this in future).....to putting him back in the tank thinking he was going to be okay and having him develop a bacterial infection whereby all my other fish decided seeing he was going to die anyway they would just eat him alive....to then isolating him in a breeding and nursing him back to health, while treating the whole tank for bacterial infections.....a lot to handle for a Newbie. :blink:

But....I am pleased to say that he is now out of isolation and seems to be doing really well! His fellow tank mates (Ping, Pong and Pepper - 2 panda's, 1 "little" Sterbai) seem to have welcomed him back with open arms. :D Which I was really glad about as they seemed to be avoiding him when he was sick.

Thanks again for everyones helpful advice! :D

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