

Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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Well I posted about my pleco a while ago here about his ID and I am convinced he is Pterygoplichthys joselimaianus which can grow up to 31 cm in length. Because at that time I only had a small tank I gave it away.

But now I can get him back for free, and I have a 63us gallon tank now...so what do you think I should do? I kinda miss him. We called him zmajcek which in translation means little dragon and a part of me is screaming to take him back but the brain part isn't that sure...

I have guppies and glass catfish in that aquarium along with five ottos. And ottos are my biggest worry - cause I am afraid that my little dragon will be aggressive to them as they will compet for food? What do you think?

i would love to get him back but am just afraid of aggresion cause I have a peaceful tank right now. And yes, I know plecos need food not just algae and yes I know they are mesy fish...

my other worry is...my tank is heavily planted - will he upset any plants?

I used to keep him with two Cae and he was (well I don't really know his gender...) not agressive to any fish, he was a bit protective of his spinach leaves and algae waffers tho :)

I really don't know what to do. I would so like to take him but...what's your opinion?

Whats the footprint of that tank?

'he' will uproot plants, plecs and planted tanks are not a great mix tbh, you'll be constantly rescaping.
it's 121 x 41 x 55 cm (long) so that is 48 x 16 x 20inch

Well I really don't know what to do...I was originally thinking of getting BN plec for that tank but that was before I got the chance of getting my little dragon back. I guess I am a little sentimental, I don't know...

As I have said, my biggest fear is how he is going to act towards ottos (there will be 5 of them - 2 are already in there in three are in my quarantine tank)...
Hi there OK:

here are a few points:

I used to keep a large P. gibbiceps (20") in a 6 foot tank, and to be honest, he occupied the 'whole' tank if you see my meaning, once settled large plecos are quite active fish!

Also, he will uproot, knock over etc. all the plants/unsecured items in your tank.

On the plus side, he would probably not bother your ottos,but they would be 'scared' of him every time he thrashes histail, or makes a dash for food, also the lack of plants would be cruel to your ottos.

To be honest, I wuld say you have 2 choices:

Rehome your existing fish, and rescape/secure your tank contents and get mr big back; or, leave him in the shop, unless you can set up another tank, just for him.
hm...I guess I wont take him than...I like my tank as it is and I like it heavily planted...He isn't in a shop but in a public aquarium, so I am sure it will get proper care they just asked me if I want him back when I said I am now looking for a plec...

off topic but...what bottomdwellers would go in my tank. i want it planted and don't want agressive fish. Would a BN be Ok in a planted tank if fed or would he eat, abrupt my plants? I was thinking of getting small BN than so the plants have time to grow roots (I have plant substrate and above it is gravel - it is small, not sharp gravel but I am still worried about adding corys...)?
Or other pleco?I know there is a list on here about different smallish plecs but it doesn't say if they will harm plants...

by the way...Pterygoplichthys joselimaianus doesn't grow as big as gibby, would that matter:) ?

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