

Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2004
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I am going to get a fish tnak. I am deciding between a 10 gallon for $50 or a 20 gallon for $80. The stand will cost $60 only if I get the 20. I have a stand for the 10 gallon. SHould I bite the bullet save up a bit and get the 20 gallon or buy the 10 gallon and save. I am going to use this for breeding.
What are you gonna breed? (Look at garage sales too, I found a 30 gallon with evrything except gravel for 40 bucks!) I would say twenty gallon. How much money do you have/ willing to spend?
I'd get the 20...If your willing to save up and wait, I would say save some money and get the biggest tank you could afford....like a 75 g and up....trust me the moment you get that 20 gallon tank, it will take a couple of weeks or when you reach stocking capacity for you to wish that you should've bought a bigger tank.....
I am going to start with blue gouramis but will do different kinds.
wow...10 gal? for 50? what is it? a kit? it should be.... where are you living right now.... cuz if you are in someplace near PA (wich i dont to my bad luck) you can go to www.thatpetplace.com and find a 40 for 62.99 bux!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sky042 its lucky he can go there and buy everything sooo cheap!!!!!!!!

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