

Fish Fanatic
Mar 2, 2005
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Hi, this is the first time in this topic. two months ago i bought four ottos as i have two 40gal tanks i put two in each tank, now for the last few days i have not seen any of them is this normal, as i can not find them anywhere, i am heavily planted i have the remains of a castle in one and in the other is a big sunken ship plenty of places for them to hide but i have scoured the tank and still not found them.
Hi jeff_hopkinson :)

That's not unusual with otos. If they have lots of food, they might just be in the plants somewhere. On the other hand, they are delicate and small, and if they died, they could very well have been eaten quickly by the other fish.

Otos just seem to have a way of doing that. :/
I have also heard of other people buying ottos and them dieing for no apparent reason. I really would like to get some at some point, but Ive heard they are very delicate. They also like to be in groups of 4 or so. Maybe they are just scared and dont come out that often. They might feel more secure in a bigger group, especially in a tank that big. Hopefully they will come out soon.
I recently bought four ottos for a 45 gallon heavily planted tank becuase they eat algae off of plants without damaging them. They seemed to flourish for about 2 months, and now I can only find one. I ahve searched the tank and cant find a trace of them. I dont think I have anything big enough to eat them without leaving a trace. Its a mystery.

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