Dijon Has Spawned


Fish Addict
May 12, 2004
Reaction score
Warrington UK
This morning after about 14 days in the tank together my bettas spawned.

The first hour they kept embracing but no eggs, then 1 every so often. At this time it was realy frustrating as the female saw the egg before Dijon and would happily eat it :angry: appart from 1 which Dijon managed
to get to.

I then decided to let them get on with it without me watching because she was eating the eggs
it was smegging me off.

About 3 hours later they are still at it, by with time Dijon had finaly got it right and collecting the eggs
of which there was between 3 - 10 every embrace. While this was happening the female still got 1 or 2 of the eggs and to my suprised she had started putting these eggs in the nest :D

Now for more waiting, hope he does well for his first time. He's under the nest right now guarding and tending to it.
thats good do you have anypics?
wat did you just leave them together for 13 days or did you keep taking him out and reintroduing her?
They where left together and watched closely if there was a need for seperating them I would have, but there was no need.

I have some pics but there blurry and a blurry vid i'll post them later.
They where left together and watched closely if there was a need for seperating them I would have, but there was no need.

I have some pics but there blurry and a blurry vid i'll post them later.
u were lucky there then but well done anyway
lucky you- the main reason i havent had bettas is i cant keep males and females toghehter and cant keep males toghether either- too agressive. but your bettas have decided that they wont fight which is great! :good:
lucky you- the main reason i havent had bettas is i cant keep males and females toghehter and cant keep males toghether either- too agressive. but your bettas have decided that they wont fight which is great! :good:
you could try wild betta that you can keep males and females together if thats they only reason u wnt get splendeds
have a look at
betta imbellis
Ohh congrats! :) Your male sounds like a good father, guarding the nest! Let us know how things go.
Wishing oyu the best of luck ;)
Yes I was lucky, though I think the temperament of the fish helped.


Little vid

ur male is a lovely colour whats the female just a vt?

Thank you, his colour is nice "Pineapple" got him for £20. I was torn between him and a metalic one.

Female? not sure on as the 2 females I got from a different lfs where with a mixed shipment of poor quality male CT's and VT's along with females. So i'm not too sure if she's pure VT.

Heres a pic when I first got her.


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To be honest at the moment i'm not that worried about the tail type. Maybe i'll get some combtails, which look very nice. Though with VT's having the dominant gene it may not happen, but having said that she may not be a true VT. So who knows at this stage.

What i'm looking for just now is the parenting skills from the male, and from what i've just looked at he seems to be doing well.

Although the nest is smaller than before he seems to have moved all the eggs to the far corner and is keeping them all together.

So for the moment on his first go, he is doing very well :good:

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