Fish Crazy
in a standard (point and shoot, fairly basic) type of digital camera is it better to buy one that uses Li-ion batteries or normal alkaline ones? any reasons for particular choices appreciated too. thanks.
in a standard (point and shoot, fairly basic) type of digital camera is it better to buy one that uses Li-ion batteries or normal alkaline ones? any reasons for particular choices appreciated too. thanks.
so do they hold a charge well? or does it lose its charge easily after multiple charges?in a standard (point and shoot, fairly basic) type of digital camera is it better to buy one that uses Li-ion batteries or normal alkaline ones? any reasons for particular choices appreciated too. thanks.
well if you use a normal batteries you will be going to the shop all the time to get new ones as thay dont last long i use a olympus e500 wich use.s a lith ant i can take about 1000 photos on one charge i will leve you to work it out
ay.....wot.......er.......brain sizzle............lol only joking colinIf the camera can take normal AA alkaline bateries then buy yourself a couple of sets of Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries. They can be recharged hundreds of times and are a lot cheaper than the lithium ion batteries. Energiser, Duracel and heaps of other companies do them and you can buy a 4 pack from most shops for about $20AU. Then you can charge them up in any battery charger suited to NiMH.
NiMH batteries do best when kept topped up and should not be completely drained like Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cad) batteries.
NiMH batteries come in a range of amps. Try to buy some with a 2500 or 2600mAh rating. They will have more power for longer than batteries with a lower rating, say around 1600-1800mAh rating. (mHa = milli Amp hour and is how many amps the batteries have). The more amps the more power. They still produce the same volts, 1.2v, but just last a lot longer and you get more pictures per set before they need recharging.
Hey SLC, you can buy and charge a spare lithium ion battery to have with you. Then you'd have the spare after your 1000+ shot, all-day long, shooting session.