( though I would suspect the shrimp would eat Killi eggs )... so I'm thinking live bearers... I'm already successfully breeding Sun Set High Fin Platy's in my Cherry Shrimp breeding 10 gallon... I'm currently adding both Orange, & Yellow Neocaridina, to 2 other 10 gallon tanks... thoughts on 2 species of fish, that would breed easily in a cooler water tank, in the conditions Neocaridina would need to breed, & wouldn't eat the shrimp, & would be unique enough to be able to get rid of any offspring, rather than just using them as feeders??? ( I've not had any trouble giving away, locally, any of my Sun Set High Fin Platy babies...
A couple fish that top my list so far, are...
Poecilia salvatoris ( Libery Molly's )...
& Limia perugiae...
I could also see exchanging the Molly's, or the Limia ( depending on water and breeding conditions ) with Xenotoca doadrioi ( Redtail Goodeids )
A couple fish that top my list so far, are...
Poecilia salvatoris ( Libery Molly's )...
& Limia perugiae...
I could also see exchanging the Molly's, or the Limia ( depending on water and breeding conditions ) with Xenotoca doadrioi ( Redtail Goodeids )
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