digging into fish to add to my shrimp breeding tanks... Platy's Molly's Limia, goodeids, etc... maybe Killi's

Magnum Man

Fish Aficionado
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Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
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Southern MN
( though I would suspect the shrimp would eat Killi eggs )... so I'm thinking live bearers... I'm already successfully breeding Sun Set High Fin Platy's in my Cherry Shrimp breeding 10 gallon... I'm currently adding both Orange, & Yellow Neocaridina, to 2 other 10 gallon tanks... thoughts on 2 species of fish, that would breed easily in a cooler water tank, in the conditions Neocaridina would need to breed, & wouldn't eat the shrimp, & would be unique enough to be able to get rid of any offspring, rather than just using them as feeders??? ( I've not had any trouble giving away, locally, any of my Sun Set High Fin Platy babies...

A couple fish that top my list so far, are...
Poecilia salvatoris ( Libery Molly's )...


& Limia perugiae...


I could also see exchanging the Molly's, or the Limia ( depending on water and breeding conditions ) with Xenotoca doadrioi ( Redtail Goodeids )

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You will have to expect these fish to eat your shrimp

That’s part of nature

At what ratio they will be eaten. Depends on how many Molly’s and other fish you put in your aquarium

I been at aquarium stores where they have a mixture of low grade red shrimp with Molly fish

The fish where eating the shrimp like It was a treat for them.
The shrimp had a lot of hiding spots in the aquarium

I assume they were not good enough to sell

It does tell the consumer not to mix certain fish with shrimp

I have always kept a shrimp aquarium by it self with no fish in side it

I do keep a few plecos and snails In my aquariums
I'd expect the livebearers to wolf down the shrimp, and for any survivors to hide.

The standard hobby shrimp don't eat live killie eggs, and I know of people who have put cherry shrimp into water with eggs, as they are said to clean the eggs, and eat any infertile ones. I haven't tried it myself.

Many adult killies will eat juvenile shrimp and pick off adults when they molt and are vulnerable. I had a blue rilli that came in alone on some plants live in with killis for quite a stretch.
I have a room temperature tank with a long standing colony of neocaridina living in peace (sometimes in “peaces”) with white cloud mountain minnows and celestial pearl danios. By long standing, I mean two years. By “peaces”, I mean it happens but uncommonly.
the cherries breed much faster than the adult High fin platy's eat them... 16 turned into 100's while the platy's were in the tank... expect some babies, joined the "circle of life"
... I'm sure the smaller the fish, the less likely they are to eat many shrimp... maybe even Neoheterandria elegans ( Tiger Teddies ) Guppy sized or smaller
Like I said it be fore

If you have this much success with other fish and shrimp

Why are you asking for our help concerning other fish and shrimp to go with your orders.

The shipper should be up front and trusted worthy before any order is made

To many people have been scared over and scammed to many times

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