Dift/bog Wood Question


Fish Fanatic
Aug 3, 2008
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i have a dead tree ( gum tree ) in my back yard it has been dead for mayb 2 years can i put the wood in my tank? some of it looks a little rotten other stuff dosent. honestly i have no idea thanks heaps.
Probably not. Bogwood is preserved from rotting by the conditions it comes from. Some of the stuff can be centuries old and still not rotten. A standing dead tree will eventually rot, even if only parts of it are currently.
Agree with Corleone. Bog wood comes from bogs ,,,,wow clever for me this time of morning lol. but its been there for hundreds of years. As far as I can see a relativly new tree would just rot plus i'm not sure what nasties may come out of it. Better safe than sorry and buy a bit of bogwood if you want wood in the tank. :)

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