Diffuse CO2


Fish Fanatic
Jun 19, 2005
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Can i use the intake of my Penguin 150 filter to diffuse the CO2. I hope that made sense. :X
a penguin 150 is a hob with a built in biowheel right ? diffusing c02 with a tank using a HOB is a bit of a challenge because of the splash it makes, especially with the biowheel :)

i tried diffusing co2 before via my HOB (my co2 levels did rise) but i minimized the surface agitation created by the hob my means of a foam stuck to the part where the water pours down back to the tank.

hope this helps
Kenneth is right. Surface agitation will knock the CO2 out of solution before it has a chance to be used. Biowheels generate a lot of surface agitation, so running the CO2 in there is as good as useless. Your best bet is to use an upturned cup type diffuser at the opposite end of the tank.
Oh ok thanx. Is it really that simple, to just stick a hole in the cup and connect the tubing to it?
>>> Is it really that simple,

There are 101 designs of CO2 diffusers. All try to do much the same thing, keep the CO2 in contact with the water for as long as possible to allow it to dissolve. CO2 is less soluable in water then O2, and comes out of solution very easily.

The simplest form of CO2 diffuser is literally just an upturned cup or similar, propped up on some "legs" of some kind, with the CO2 delivery tube arranged to bubble into it. Thus the cup slowly fills with gas and is constantly in contact with the water in which it can dissolve. If it is possible, a slow current past the open end of the cup is useful for distributing the dissolved gas. Surplus CO2 will bubble out from around the edge - this is no problem, it simply indicates your CO2 production rate is higher then it need be.

Bubbling CO2 through the water like an airstone, or through a biowheel will acheive nothing. The agitation knocks the CO2 out of solution before it has a chance to be used.
Oh cool! I can definitely do that. Anyway since i dont want to make another topic in the planted tanks category do you 2 wpg is still low or would it be right about moderate?
2 wpg, in an normal rectangular shaped, average sized tank, is pretty much the definition of "Medium/Moderate Light".

The relationship between volume and wpg is not linear. A better measure is based on the surface area and depth, but it gets very fiddly quickly, especially with odd shaped tanks.

Generally, small tanks require more then large, deep tanks require more then shallow for the same effect Thus small hex tanks are a nightmare to light, whilst big rectangulars are easy.
LL wouldnt the biowheel pose a big threat to wookies co2 injection attempt ? you know it might just cause so much agitation in the biowheel and also when the water splashes down back to the tank that any attempt at injecting co2 would be a bit er... useless?? even with a foam stuck to the downpour ?
OOh well my water level is pretty high its like a few centimeters away from the outflow so it doesnt create a lot of splash. But i was just wonderin cuz i read that u could stick the tubing up the intake and the impellar will break up the bubbles.
Yes Kenneth, if the surface agitation is very high, CO2 injection becomes a waste of effort. Without inspecting his setup however, I can't say yeah or nay. All I can do is point out the problems, and let him make up his own mind.

Most serious plant keepers have very low water movement, and very low live stocking levels to match. A much more realistic natural setup. The more typical aquarium has too many fish to work as a well planted tank. The O2 demands overide the plants CO2 demand.
Thanx for your help i think im gonna go get a KH test kit so i can figure out how much CO2 i have in my tank already then test again when i add CO2 to see if theres a difference.
so lemme get this right plugging the tube to the intake of my eclipse 1 hood so the c02 will get into the water will be useless since i have a biowheel? is there any other diffusion suggestions other then a reactor?
la in a way yes. a reactor is one of the best if not the best way to diffuse c02, there are a lot of reactors out there that you can try to raise your c02 levels, i would advise dampening the splash of the biowheel by means of a foam to minimize surface tension when you do so.. :) hope this helps and somebody correct me if im wrong ;)

*btw i love chicken adobo :p hehe

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