Differnet Types Of Corys Instead Of 5 Of One Species


Leader Of The Seahorse's!
Dec 2, 2006
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Hi, i was wondering whether you could have for example 2 panda corys, 2 bronze corys and 2 of another??
But if you wanted 6 corys, you couldnt have 2 of one species? I was wondering whether theyd shoal together or just stick in their pairs of their own species
no, they wouldnt really shoal together im afraid- 3 of each species at least.
So would i have enough room for 3 corys with the fish in my signature, when i get my 70 litre whic is 24 inches. Please bare in mind that my bala is only 3 inches after having him for about 3 months!!! I expect him to grow to about 6-8 in new tank so that means ill have a toltal of 15.5 inches of fish, fully grown.
IS the rule 1 inch of fish per gallon or 1 inch of fish per inch of tank? (please say i inch per inch of tank lol, ill be able to get some more fish that way.
No, the rule is 1 inch per gallon and thats only for small fish. In reality it doesn't have much to do with how many gallons the tank is these days, but the rule still stands because it is safe.
You have pretty serious issues with the fish in your tank, and when you get your 70 liter you will defiantly have to change some things :) .
Once you have changed some things you will eventually be able to get some corydoras if the stats are ok, but i'm afraid you are going to need to rehome your bala :(.
Then you should slowly add at least 4 more neons and 4 more glowlights. Then when the stats are ok you can add corys, but you should rehome your bala shark now before you get your 20 gallon.
That much fish should NEVER be in a 10 liter tank, so i hope your getting you 70 liter soon. The bala cant go in the 70 liter either.
In basic terms, yes. Bala sharks are shoaling fish, they should really be kept with other bala sharks, but they can do ok on their own if there are other similar fish.
Your bala shark defiantly cannot live in your tank. Even all your other fish are WAY to many for your tank right now.
Do you understand the nitrogen cycle? Thats what mainly governs how many fish you can keep in a tank, and thats why you should be testing the water in your tank. If you follow the 1 inch of fish per gallon rule, then you shouldent need to keep testing, but that rule only applies to small fish.
Your bala shark needs AT LEAST a 55 gallon tank, even though it only gets to around 16 inches. 55 gallons would be too cramped for the bala shark to be comfortable, and it would be lonely and probably die from that(yes it can happen, and frequently does) because a 55 gallon wouldn't be enough for more than 1 bala shark or similar sized fish.
Its a common myth that a fish will only grow to the right size for the tank, the fish will be slowly, miserably and painfully dieing :( .
So you defiantly need to rehome your bala shark at the next chance you can get, even if you think he looks ok because even right now your accidentally killing him(even though its not your fault).
I think that would be the best option :( . I know how you feel, i to am going to have to rehome a fish or two sometime soon, though im keeping them as long as i can because i could be able to get a new big enough tank within a year :( . Though one of my fish will definatly have to be rehomed :(.
But if you wanted 6 corys, you couldnt have 2 of one species? I was wondering whether theyd shoal together or just stick in their pairs of their own species

We have our Corys in pairs, 8 total of different species, and they're quite happy, but you should probably stick with the reccomendation of 3 and above. The more the merrier. By all means try just two if you want, but make sure you can go out and get more if they're not happy enough.

You say theyre happy but how to you know? Seeing them swimming around looking "happy" to us does by no means mean that they are entirely happy. They are a proven gregarious species.

By all means try just two if you want, but make sure you can go out and get more if they're not happy enough.

This is pretty bad advice, firstly it's wrong, corydoras species should not be kept in twos at all, they are a proven gregarious, and secondly, you say "go out and get more if theyre not happy enough" how on earth is anybody supposed to be the judge of that until the case is severe and the cories are sitting in the corner motionless and not feeding, and it should never be allowed to be brought to that level.
I dont think our corys would be breeding if they were miserable with a group of mixed corys. :*

I dont think our corys would be breeding if they were miserable with a group of mixed corys. :*
I dont think our corys would be breeding if they were miserable with a group of mixed corys. :*

I dont think our corys would be breeding if they were miserable with a group of mixed corys. :*

well good but people should not assume that the cories they buy will be the same :rolleyes:

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