Leader Of The Seahorse's!
Hi, i was wondering whether you could have for example 2 panda corys, 2 bronze corys and 2 of another??
But if you wanted 6 corys, you couldnt have 2 of one species? I was wondering whether theyd shoal together or just stick in their pairs of their own species
We have our Corys in pairs, 8 total of different species, and they're quite happy, but you should probably stick with the reccomendation of 3 and above. The more the merrier. By all means try just two if you want, but make sure you can go out and get more if they're not happy enough.
By all means try just two if you want, but make sure you can go out and get more if they're not happy enough.
I dont think our corys would be breeding if they were miserable with a group of mixed corys.
I dont think our corys would be breeding if they were miserable with a group of mixed corys.