Different Themes For The Board


Chatroom Moderator
Chatroom Moderator
Dec 3, 2011
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when i used to run my own Forum for gaming i remember being able to choose what themes are available to the user's and different colours schemes, don't get me wrong i love the colour scheme and theme of this forum but i would always wonder what it would look like being red, or green :p or yellow haha :D just a random suggestion to throw into the world :D
That's a good idea. I would love a pink theme :D
haha i dont think you would be the only one :D
It's a pain to maintain multiple themes since the board has customizations that would need to be included in every theme. For this reason the themes are turned off. There are no plans to introduce new themes.
I like the blue one tbh. It's nice and dark so I can stay up late and not get blinded by the light. :p
Would be nice to get the standard IPB Mobile theme...
As an Admin of my own IPB forums its not that difficult to add..
The white background really hurts my eyes :(
I like the scheme as it is.  It says "TFF" to me.
TallTree01 said:
The white background really hurts my eyes
Get some sunnies.

Ha ha ha :p
ye it would be nice to have a barker theme as i agree with sophie the white dose strain your eyes a little and LOL at TT for sunnies haha
Please don't change it. I love how this forum is. I really dislike all the other fish I have seen because they are so busy and it makes them hard to navigate.

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