Different plecs


Jan 11, 2005
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Are different types of plecs ok in the same tank? I have a common plec and a clown plec in separate tanks. Both are small at this time (2 inches). But I'd like to put the clown plec in the same tank as the common plec because that tank has driftwood.

I didn't realize when I purchased the clown that he needed drift/bogwood. So I am currently soaking a piece -- but it won't be ready for his tank for awhile.
It's a 55 gallon -- but I do not plan on keeping both of them in there for the long term 'cuz I know the common plec is going to get very big.
We have a 50gal (us) and currently have...

a common (about 9")
an L014 (about 4" at the moment)
an L264 (about 2" at the moment)
and 9 bristle noses (2-4" growning up to be sold)

as long as the tank is big enough with enough filtration and hiding places - they will be fine.

Our common and 'Scooby' the L114 will both get big and will probubly need seperate tanks when they grow up (or a nice big tank :))

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