Different angels


May 2, 2004
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England (Bedfordshire)
Ok after the passing of my last angel, which i am deeply affected by since i loved him so much and how he died is a complete mystery, i went out and bought two new angels this time around

First one was a small little white angel with the odd black dashing forming the rings around a angel, however a notable feature to this one is that the fins of a tail is quite long, and so she cannot spread them widely like normal, more like a fan tail, and the other was a most black with the odd occasional silver and gold patch over him, now he was three times bigger than the other angel but at first they seemed fine, until he started going aggressive in my tank, i caught him bite the little angels top fin, when clearly that angel was only tryin to make friends, as well as the black angel attacking and biting my other fish, so i took him back and now i have a angel i absolutly love, the word i describe him best is eclipsed moon, he is pitch black all over, and as gentle as ever, notable for his extra large dorsal fin...

Now i am wondering this, my small angel has a long Caudal fin, and the other a large dorsal fin, are these two different types of angel, or is this a way of telling their sexes, or does Angel fish vary like this normally?

I am treating my water at the moment, but as soon as it cleans up, i will get some pics of both of them and post them up if i can ever get clear shots of them


you can find different types of angels here and theres another page as well.
if you see something similar but not quite then its probable that your fish are crossed.
look forward to seeing the pics. they sound lovely :)
They sound gorgeous!

The fin difference sounds like just normal variation, maybe one's a veil and the other's a regular tail though. They're both the "same" angelfish in that all angels (other than the still pretty rare altums) are pterophyllum scalare. Angels are pretty hard to sex, especially while still small. A lot of times you won't know which is the male or female til you see them actually spawning. There is some difference in breeding tube shape and size, but their tubes are not always out.

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