Difference In Silver Dollars?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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I've bought nine silver dollars from two different outlets

3 of them have redness to the lower fin however the 6 I bout yesterday are completely silver and a more angular shape. they look great though all shoaling together can't wait till they get bigger
the ones with the red anal fin are probably redhook silver dollars, also known as redhook pacu. The others are probably normal silver dollars. The red finned ones could also be males.
the ones with the red anal fin are probably redhook silver dollars, also known as redhook pacu. The others are probably normal silver dollars. The red finned ones could also be males.

good stuff I didn't know there were different types of silver dollar but I guess I do now. its just the ones with red are from different source to the al silver so must be different type.

definately not scats
check out Metynnis argenteus, M. hypsauchen, M. lippincottianus & Myleus rubipinnis. They are different looking silver dollars/pacus.

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