I just saw some clownloach looking loaches swimming in my LFS. When I ask them what r those they told me that they r royal clown loaches. But I dont really see alot of defference. Any one here keep the. What r there difference?
they looks mostly like clownloach except that they have longer body and the black stripe on there body seems to be a little shorter and not like the shape of clownloaches one.
Clown Loaches are found throughout Borneo and Sumatra. Due to regionally separated breeding groups, certain bio-diversity has lead to distinct differences which may not be particularly noticeable until you place two fish from different areas beside one another. Fish from Borneo, in all the examples I've seen, tend to be overall less colorful than fish from Sumatra. Sumatran fish seem to have a "glow" about them.
I would say that the quickest ID could be made by looking at the color of the pelvic fins. Fish from Borneo have a black area in the base and center of the fin, and usually the front (hard) ray is red/orange in color, with the end of the fin being clear, smoky, or slightly red, whilst in Sumatran fish the fin is all red/orange.
Other differences are that the Dorsal and Anal fins have less yellow at their lead edges in Sumatran fish. Also the rear stripe extends onto the Caudal Peduncle in Borneo fish, but not in Sumatran. Sumatran's tend to have some redness from the Caudal extending into the Caudal Peduncle.