Difference Between Neons And Cardinals.


New Member
Mar 23, 2010
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I quite fancy getting a small shoal of either Neon or Cardinal Tetras and was just wondering what the differences in the way they act etc was?

I know theres a very small difference in the colouring and I prefer the Cardinals on that basis but I'm just wondering if theres any other differences that may sway my decision.
The only differences between the two are the coloring, cardinals are slightly larger, cardinals are hardier :good:
I quite fancy getting a small shoal of either Neon or Cardinal Tetras and was just wondering what the differences in the way they act etc was?

I know theres a very small difference in the colouring and I prefer the Cardinals on that basis but I'm just wondering if theres any other differences that may sway my decision.

Cardinals have a larger adult size and so need more space. I'd say 40-45 litres is the minimum tank size for neons (at least 18" tank) and 60 litres (24" tank) is a minimum for cardinals. Very active fish that need their space, despite the small size.

Some say neons are hardier, some say cardinals are, some say they're about equal.

Very similar, behaviour wise. Both need shoals (6 is a minimum number, more is better if you have space). Both prefer soft, slightly acidic water.
Cardinals have a larger red line and reach a larger size. I prefer cardinals, but they are more expensive than neons. Cardinals on the other had don't run the risk of carrying Neon tetra disease.


pic not mine
Cardinals have a larger red line and reach a larger size. I prefer cardinals, but they are more expensive than neons. Cardinals on the other had don't run the risk of carrying Neon tetra disease.


pic not mine

I was lead to believe cardinals (as smaller characins from the same region) were also able to contract NTD? I know that it isn't limited to neons.

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