Diff Between Macro-algae


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Jun 12, 2006
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Whats the difference between the different species of macro-algae. I mean dont they all do the same thing? Or is it about how well they go about doing what we need em to do? Or is it how fast they grow? Or what is it?
The two most common are chaetomorpha (cheato), and Culerpa. The biggest difference between the two being that Culerpa can sometimes "go sexual" and have spawning events which release tons of nutrients into the tank. This is especially common if allowed to grow huge and not trimmed. Cheato cannot do this and thus is a much safer macroalgae. Culerpa doesnt go sexual often, but if it decides to you're in a world of trouble. Hence I only grow chaeto in my tank
Also people use different types purely for variety and appeal. Some grow slow others grow uncontrolably. I know a couple people who grow micro algeas. Basically it is personal preference for color or growth rate or ease of finding a source of it in the first place.

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