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New Member
Mar 18, 2005
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Vancouver, BC
I was at the vancouver aquarim not to long ago and in the amazon section they had a big tank full of huge pirahnas. The thing that shocked me was that they shared the tank with hundreds of black skirt tetras. who would of thought you could house the two together. and no the black skirts aren't feeder fish for them.
ruffneck said:
I was at the vancouver aquarim not to long ago and in the amazon section they had a big tank full of huge pirahnas. The thing that shocked me was that they shared the tank with hundreds of black skirt tetras. who would of thought you could house the two together. and no the black skirts aren't feeder fish for them.
I have two Pacus but they are herbivors, they don't eat fish, and they are not all that aggressive. But, I sure would not put my tetras in there. What did the ones you seen look like, are they a flat black looking color or did they have red under the belly.... I would send you a pic, but I don't know how??
they are flat black ones the ones from paraguy. I'll talk a pic next time I'm there and post it.

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