Did Treatment - What Next


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score

I will give my last dose of protozin, day 6 tomorrow, for cardinal tetra with what i thought was fungus.

It hasn't improved yet or worsened and the fish seems ok, swimming with the others, feeding.

What do I do if the white patch on lips hasnt gone after day 6? Treat with protozin again? Try a different med?

The other little cardinal which i thought had fungus i now think isn't. its not white. I think it maybe is an injury, a scrape or something. he seems fine too. As one of the cardinals did die and that was definitely fungus I thought that this white patch must've been the same.

Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5, pH 7.6. any advice on what to do next?
For mouth fungus you need a anti finrot and fungus med which treats mouth fungus columnaris, you are using the wrong med as mouth fungus is bacterial.




Not the writer of this information below.
Flexibacter Columnaris/Mouthrot

photo provided by Mo

Bacterial infection, commonly referred to as "mouth rot" when it occurs on the mouth area and eats away flesh.

Symptoms: White or grey fuzzy patches, can occur anywhere on the body or fins. Often has a "stringy" appearance as it progresses. Can eat away flesh at an alarming rate. It can also go internal which will often show "strings" blowing in and out of fish's mouth when breathing. Contagious so QT is important.

Causes: Poor water quality, stress, injuries are often a place for it to begin. Often fish feeding on a dead fish infected with columnaris can get it internally.

Treatments: Treating early is key to success. Columnaris is a fast killer that must be treated aggressively with antibiotics both antibiotic food and antibiotics added to the water.

suggestions: Marcyn and Marcyn II, Medi-Gold, Waterlife’s Myxazin, Interpet’s Anti-Fungus and Finrot

An additional link for alternative treatments.

And some further discussion.

NOTE: Any time antibiotics are used in the water, they must be used in a quarantine tank or they can kill good bacteria that break down wastes in your main tank and compromise water quality.
It doesn't look like the pictures of columnaris ive seen.
Its like a tiny compat patch of white about 1square mm. its not fluffy or hairy just a tiny compact white patch on the lips.

Do you still think its columnaris Wilder?
White patches can still be columnaris bacteria infection, plus patches can also mean parasites, but more than likely columnaris, is there a red rim around the patch.
no, no red ring.

would fish with this be appearing happy & healthy otherwise?
Depend has he been laying around on the bottom of the tank, or spending time up near the filter.
no if i couldn't see the white patch id think he was a healthy fish
I seen members come on here with just the white patch on the mouth and the fish have died, i would get the interpet med fungus and finrot, and do some daily water changes, if you have no scaless fish add some salt, say a teaspoon to the gal, also a salt bath is good with columnaris, but do it gently as he's a tetra say a teaspoon to a gal and leave him in for ten minutes, usually half an hour, but best to start of gradually, if he rolls upside down alot remove him from the salt bath, good luck.

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