Did I make the right desicion or am I screwed?


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
Medford New Jersey
O.k, here is the deal, I bought 4 assorted fancy platies and 2 zebra danios. All of em are in the 10 gallon tank. Does this combination work?

Also, I am considering getting 6 neons or 4 guppies later. Will those also mix in a 10 gallon.

By the way, my 10 gallon has TWO filters.
the zebra danios might get nippy towards other fish if they're not in a group of 5+.

do you know the sex of the platies? if yo uhave males and females you;ll have fry in no time.
I actually don't know the sex of the platies, but I have a 2 gallon tank on the side so it's o.k. I don't mind having fry. That would be pretty interesting actually.

The danios don't seem to be bothering the platies. They just seem to be swimming quite fast at the top of the tank. Is this normal?
yeah :D danios are fast. very fast indeed. :) check in the livebearers section if you need some help raising your fry...although it's possible that danios might eat young fry before you find them. ;)

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