Did I go too far?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2004
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Hi all,
I'm an aboslute beginner, but have found invaluable help reading these boards.
I have just set up my tank and started a fishless cycle. When tested for ammonia the tested water turned so dark that the color is not even in the chart (I'm using the tetra kit) and it's clearly above 5 ppm. Did I went too far with the ammonia? :unsure: Do you guys think I should cut it down? Should I not worry about it? (the reading being soo high, that is)
Thanks for any advice
How long have you been cycling for? I would be worried if my ammonia levels where like that :blink: Try and do a 20% water change every second day it the water calms down a bit, water changes do help :)
Next time u add ammonia reduce the amount. I don't think is much of a problem. Just measure the correct amount next time.
Hi freshy and welcome to the forum. You've made a good decision to start with - a fishless cycle. Tell us a little about your tank - how big is it, what fish do you want when the cycle is completed?
Hi everybody, thank you for your replies. I own a 40 lt tank,( I use the metric system) that's approx. 10 gallon (right?) and only been cycling for a couple of days and got a little freaked out to get such a high ammonia reading. As for the fish I'm not sure yet, I was thinking about guppies and plattys, You know, nice colored, pleasent to look at. :D
Platys, will be ok for you at the moment, but dont get guppys they most likely wont survive, my LFS didnt recommend them for me when i was at your stage.

If you want fish now, get platys, sword tails, danio's. But otherwise you will need to wait until your tank is cycled and a bit safer so you can get less hardy fish such as guppys.
Please DON'T get any fish now - you will be introducing them to a high ammonia content and they will certainly die.l Just carry on with your fishless cycle and at the end add your platies and guppies and very nice they will be too.
Don't worry about the high levels. The whole point of fishless cycling is to produce very high ammonia and nitrite readings, and by extension, large colonies of bacteria to convert those toxins, without exposing fish to them. You're on the right path! :thumbs:
Oh yes, don't worry! I'm planning on getting fish after the tank is cycled. I'm in no rush.

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