Diatom Outbreak


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2007
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how long does a diatom outbreak last ?

mine is about a week old,theres no new algae coming where i cleaned, i only clean the viewing panes, i did a small water change just vacuming up some of the algae on the ground, i only have 3 snails and 1 crab at the moment,lfs doesnt have any will see if i can get from the nearest city. i also added another bag of tropic marine elimi phos. water tests are all fine..
I don't remember exactly but at least after four weeks everything has gone. I would think twice to buy more cleaners as they need to feed also when the brown algae have gone.

I got only one snail that is often on the live rock and I'm cleaning the glass myself as the snail ain't that intelligent and docile that it cleans the glass methodically.

Crabs need their confined territory and enough food to not become nasty.
They can last anything from a couple of weeks to 5 or 6 months.

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