I have a huge green water (Algae Bloom) issue. I read a link given to me by a very nice person on the forums here. Anyways, in the link, it says the best option to clear green water is a Diatom Filter. First of all, do you all agree? Other options had there flaws, except this one (Other than price). Things like darkness for 4 days, leave you with tons of dead algae. Anyways, assuming this is the best option, I have a few questions.
1.) Do most LFS rent these out? The link says they do. Ill be calling a LFS soon, but just seeing if yours do, since I cant call at 11PM.
2.) Whats the cheapest one available (if i cant rent)?
3.) How much Diatom Powder would I need to purchase? I mean how far does 1lb go in a small filter?
4.) Does anyone still use these?
5.) Are they a good thing to have around just in case you feel like having a clearer tank?
6.) Anyone interested in selling?
1.) Do most LFS rent these out? The link says they do. Ill be calling a LFS soon, but just seeing if yours do, since I cant call at 11PM.
2.) Whats the cheapest one available (if i cant rent)?
3.) How much Diatom Powder would I need to purchase? I mean how far does 1lb go in a small filter?
4.) Does anyone still use these?
5.) Are they a good thing to have around just in case you feel like having a clearer tank?
6.) Anyone interested in selling?