Diatom Filter


Fish Addict
Dec 18, 2004
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Im really struggling to find one in the UK.

Anyone know where I can get one?
Just a review for my Diatom D1 filter.

Polishes the water chrystal clear in a few hours. You CAN use pool filter sand as long as its pure sand. There is a special word for the sand, starts with diatom.

The motor started to leak after 6-7 months and now the motor is dead. I did use it for months at a time so that was a big factor. I just want you to know that these filters are not designed for continuous use, only polishing, maybe once a week/ month use.

The warrenty is pretty crappy too.

The filter did do a FANTASTIC job though. Infact, maybe hooking it up to an external filter will make it work better :)
They are made by Hobby and you can get them from Germany (hard to find in the UK) Americans fair best with such filters they can get hold of Vortex and another make which name has escaped me for now anyway click the link below.
They are pretty hard to find these days but you can purchase the diatomic earth media pretty easily. Which leads me to believe you can pop some in your regular canister filter (in an app. bag of course). These type of filters are only for polishing the water (had one years ago and boy your water will be Gin clear) and should only be left on for a matter of hours and not continueous.
Hope this was of some help.
I got mine from Petsmart.com. I am in the US, not in the UK.

I wouldn't reccomend putting it in your canister filter since it will clog up MUCH faster. You need a high flow rate and the right bag for it otherwise you will have a VERY cloudy tank.

I looked at the Vortex XL Diatom filter and I would love to have it. It says right in the description that its for continuous use but then in the same paragraph it says not to be used for more than 8 hours a week :blink:
I wouldn't reccomend putting it in your canister filter since it will clog up MUCH faster. You need a high flow rate and the right bag for it otherwise you will have a VERY cloudy tank.
Exactly what I thought, but in the absence of the actual availability of the filter in the UK /Europe marketplace and the obvious abundance of diatomic earth media was the thinking behind my statement above.
I suppose he could use a secondary filter for it if he was able to get it to work right.

International shipping would work too.
Might have to look at international shipping, seems like its the only way yo get one!

$ - £ is good at the moment too I think.
Are electrical ratings the same as in the states...
Are electrical ratings the same as in the states...
Not at all. Anything designed for US voltages will need to have a converter as the more than double voltage would likely do some nastiness to any electrics.

Attempt to recall old engineering course details will follow:

For those not aware, the US is rated at 110V and Europe is rated at 230V, but with tolerances that allow the UK to be unchanged from the older 240V which most power supplies will be.

As an example: a US unit designed to work on 110W would need a 1 Amp current (Power = VxA). To get this it would have an equivalent circuit resistance of 110 Ohms (R=V/A).

In the UK the circuit would still have the same equivalent resistance of 110 Ohms, but the current (C=V/A) would now be 240/110=2.18A giving power flowing through the circuit of 523W This gives a current more than double that which the unit is designed to run with and has a high chance of causing damage to the electrics.

Now obviously the figures above are somewhat large for many pieces of equipment we use, but the principle remains the same.

Going from the UK (or Europe) to the US is less of an issue for damage, but the units will get less power than they were designed to have, which is why many UK hairdryers are a bit weak when used in the US.
Well. US house holds are wired mainly for 110 BUT, you can EASILY rewire an outlet circuit at the panel for 220v. :hyper: Just hopefully you wont have anything else plugged into the outlet circuit that you have modified. They way it works over here is you have One HOT and 2 NEUTRALS which equals to 110. To get 220, you just need to use 2 HOT and one neutral in the proper order.

SOOOOO. I suppose if I had to order a filter or something that needed 220v, I could in theory wire up a single outlet to run on 220.
Not at all. Anything designed for US voltages will need to have a converter as the more than double voltage would likely do some nastiness to any electrics.
Thought as much Andy, Thanks for clearing that up.
Which is why I suggested the German filter.
They do make a diatom filter 220 I did see it on site! www.diatomfilter.com :rolleyes:

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