Diatom Breakout


Fish Fanatic
Jan 1, 2005
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Ok, Everything in my tank has turned a nasty rust brown. Is there a snail that will eat this, or is there anything I can do to reduce the amount I have? I have used only RO water but figured I would go through a wave of this stuff. Should I put any extra media in my filter? Right now I have a Chemi Pure bag and some sponges which I change at least once every two weeks. It got much worse when I put my new compact lighting on last weekend. I have to magfloat the glass every night. :/

If this is a new tank, it's normal to get an initial wave of diatoms. Margarita and trochus snails are good glass cleaners. You'll need a scraper or Magfloat to clean the glass. One thing that may help is that if you scrape just before a water change, with the pumps off, you might reduce the load by vacuuming it out while it is in suspension. SH
My tank has been set up for 6 weeks. I have been magfloating like crazy, but I will beef up the cleaning crew tonight. My LFS doesn't see the need for one snail/hermit per gallon, but how do others feel that is working out for them? I feel like I need to add more, but don't want the little critters to starve either :D
I have in my 10g...

5 blue leg hermits
1 red leg hermit
3 cerith snails
3 nassarius snails
1 bumlebee snail
1 margarita snail
1 astrea snail

I have lost only one snail and the astrea and margarita snails have been with me from the beginning :)
I persoanlly would leave it as it will clear in a week or so, I had to clean my glass everynight but it did go.

My 24G includes:

5 astrea
5 Nassarius
2 Trochus
2 Margaritas
2 Scarlet hermits
2 Blue Leg Hermits
1 Skunk Cleaner
1 Emerald Crab


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