Dianema Urostriata


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2005
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Near Leeds, W.Yorks
Hi!, I've got a chance to buy some 4" of these for £9 each - what do you think to the price?
I could put them in a 4 footer with corys, brochis, ancistrus and angels or into the six footer with many synodontis, angels and gouramies and more - any thoughts?
They would work in either tank, Dianema species are peacefull enough to be added to any community tank but large enough to be housed with all but the most aggressive of tankmates.

The price sounds about right.
I have 4 of these catfish (Dianema longibarbis) and I have found them to be very peaceful, very timid. I have them in my 55 gallon with all my cories and they get along great. They often sit together in the same areas of the tank. I have had them for about 5 months now and they are a great fish.

One quick question for CFC, whats the difference between the Dianema longibarbis (Porthole Catfish) and Dianema Urostriata? I was under the impression that the Dianema longibarbis only got to around 4"?
The D.urostriata are called flag tailed porthole catfish as they have a very attractive black and white striped tail. Both species only reach about 4 inches but as they are armoured they make fairly good clean up crews for tanks with non aggressive medium sized predators and Cichlids.
I did in fact buy 3 of these and put them in an established tank with several corys and brochis.They went in at 3pm yesterday and were all dead by this morning. Water parameters are fine and all other fish are fit and healthy.
The Dianema looked good in the fish shop tank and were less than an hour to going in my tank.
No idea what can have caused this, not very happy at losing these lovely fish and paying £27 for the privilege.
I did in fact buy 3 of these and put them in an established tank with several corys and brochis.They went in at 3pm yesterday and were all dead by this morning. Water parameters are fine and all other fish are fit and healthy.
The Dianema looked good in the fish shop tank and were less than an hour to going in my tank.
No idea what can have caused this, not very happy at losing these lovely fish and paying £27 for the privilege.

Sounds like a stress thing. How long were they in the tank at the LFS? Did you float them in the bag so they could adjust to the water temperature?

What kind of cories are in the tank now?
I did in fact buy 3 of these and put them in an established tank with several corys and brochis.They went in at 3pm yesterday and were all dead by this morning. Water parameters are fine and all other fish are fit and healthy.
The Dianema looked good in the fish shop tank and were less than an hour to going in my tank.
No idea what can have caused this, not very happy at losing these lovely fish and paying £27 for the privilege.

Sounds like a stress thing. How long were they in the tank at the LFS? Did you float them in the bag so they could adjust to the water temperature?

What kind of cories are in the tank now?
I've been fishkeeping now for 32 years so no probs with the way they were handled etc.
Corys I have at present are aeneus, melanotaenia, schwarzi, julii wild and tank bred, trilineatus, metae,panda,albino - paleatus I think and some Brochis Slendens
I had 3 of the D.urostriata myself which i just took back into work to free up some space in one of my tanks. They always seemed very easy to look after and feed. However, I have read that they are prone to internal parasites like poor quality corydoras are. As they are very similar to corys this wouldnt surprise me. Apart from that i cant see why else they would die?

I would be tempted to try them again, the bigger the group you have the better they get on. Mine used to sleep on top of each other then go about the tank grazing much like a cory during the day.


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