Diamond Tetras


Fish Herder
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
Today I saw some diamond tetras and fell in love with them. So I brought them home and put them in my 10 gallon quaranteen tank. They are beautiful. Here is a pic.


And the tank they're in:


I have never seen diamond tetras and don't know much about them. Does anyone on this forum have any? Tell me your experience with them. I noticed the males flaring at each other in the store so I didn't want to have more males than females thinking this might cause them to fight but is that a valid concern? I bought 2 males and 2 females. I would have bought more but there were only 2 females in the tank. I left what looked like 6 males in the store although I wasn't sure about one of them. I was so torn between bringing them home so I could have a larger shoal and leaving them there so they wouldn't tear each other up. Being unsure how they are with each other I did what I thought was safer. The woman said they don't usually get these in. Should I run back tomorrow and pick up a couple more males or leave it at the 4?
I'm sure that males are smaller and are less attrative

then the females they are relatie to red-eyed tetra and need

at least a 20g tank so after you qurain them how bigg is there

tank there going in, and what are there tank mates.

I'm sure that males are smaller and are less attrative

then the females they are relatie to red-eyed tetra and need

at least a 20g tank so after you qurain them how bigg is there

tank there going in, and what are there tank mates.

I have read that they are related to red eyed tetras but everything I have read says that the males are the ones with the flowing fins and females are smaller.

I have not decided which tank I will be putting them in. It will be either 20 or 55 gallons. I have gouramis in the 55 gallon tank so if they do not get along the diamond tetras will be going in the 20, which is empty right now.

Do you keep them and do you know what male/female ratio I should have or if it matters?
I see that this thread has been moved into Tropical Chit Chat. Thats where I meant to put it in the first place. I wonder where I originally put it? :*)

Can you see the pictures that I put at the top of the thread? I don't have smaller, more colorful ones, or larger dull ones. I have larger more colorful ones with longer fins, and smaller less colorful ones. The fish in the store varied in size so these are probably not all from the same spawn. They are not fully grown, so the smaller ones could still be younger females. That is what I am assuming because as you can see the larger is definately more of a male looking fish with more finnage.

Or am I totally off and those larger, more colorful, fancy fish that are showing off to each other females? I thought for sure those were the males. I have never heard of females posturing at each other while males just swim around trying to stay out of the way.

The original point of my post was to see if I should add more of those with the longer fins, although I was assuming they were males.

EDIT: Oh, I see. It was moved FROM Tropical Chit Chat. Sorry.
Well, as I feared they are really tearing each other up. There were plenty of ripped fins when I woke up this morning. Any suggestions on how to reduce this would be welcome! Might it be because the ones with longer fins are so much bigger? Or do I just need more numbers of any size, sex? Does anyone know?
I've only seen little ones for sale not sexable ones like you have.The males are much nicer and develop a violet shine and long fins.These shoaling tetras are not what i'd call aggressive at all.They do chase and display to each other but nothing life threatning.
Personally i'd get a few males to watch these displays.I've got Rosy tetras and what i bought as bleeding hearts that do the same behaviour.
I guess I'll just keep an eye out for more and get whatever is available to see if that helps.

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