Diamond head tetras got something


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
Diamond head tetras in quarantine with otos, sparklers, and honeys for about two weeks have shown up with large white spots mostly on their top (dorsal?) fins. A couple have died after bringing them home. One had swim control problems, This was early in the week. It isn't ich.
I've called the lfs and they tell me I have NTD. He advised kanamycin treatment. Said he's out. (I can guess why.) I named what I had on hand. He advised that I treat with Mardel's Maracyn Plus. Take any dead fish out immedieately so no one snacks on them. Try the Maracyn plus for a few days. If it doesn't get better, switch to kanamycin.

So sound right?
this is sometimes refered to as sadleback disease it is in
fact columnaris and you should treat it as such.

the best treatment is Acriflavine but before you treat
(with any treatment) you should Change water (50%),
Vacuuming the gravel at the same time and remove any
carbon filtration.

good luck
Is Acriflavine under any other names? Should I separate any of the other fish? Yhey all have been in the quarantine a bout the same amount of time--maybe a week or two difference. difference. I have already given one treatment of Maracyn Plus with the filter in.
according to one site Acriflavine is the same as Formalin·3, maybe that is available in the states
Tetracycline do you have any.
Manufacturer: Aquatronics
A broad-spectrum antibiotic used in the treatment of gram-positive and some gram-negative bacterial infections. For infections of fin and tail rot, frayed fins, popeye, inflamed gills, mouth and body open sores/ulcers, livebearer disease, dropsy, Columnaris, and secondary infections such as fungal. Specific for livebearers and goldfish. Aerate the aquarium well when using. Useful for the control of some common bacterial diseases, including Aeromonias and Pseudomonas Genera and the Mysobacterial group.
Im have Maracyn Plus by Mardel, an antibacterial. It contains sulfadimidine and trimethoprin, both antibacterials. It is used to treat dropsy, mouth fungus, popeye, ulcers. This I have added to the tank. It does not require removal of filtrayion (typical of Mardel products.)
The Maracyn Plus is what the lfs suggested of what I had on stock to try.
Is that maracyn two, the kanamycin is another antibiotic like the tetracycline

Kanamycin Gram negative bacteria resistant strains of tuberculosis. (questionable value since it has been over used and mis-used by hobbyist) 1/4 teaspoon per 20 gallons of water.
I believe Maracyn Plus is an updated version of Maracyn two or just a version. (Came with a bundle of recommended meds to have on stock when I started the hobby. The kanamycin is the med first recommended by the lfs.
Maracyn plus should be ok, but the tetracycline would of been better a stronger med.
Any tetracycline was the next recommendation after kanamycin. I believe I have heard of Formalin3.

Should I continue with the maracyn?

Do a water change, put in a new filter, and go look for tetracycline under some name?

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