Dial A Phone


Jun 16, 2007
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anywhere but here
i'm in process of renewing my mobile contract, after being over 4 years with t mobile, i've had enough. after seaching in the net and found a dial a phone website with the phone that i want and the tariff to suit me, but i never heard about them before and wonder it they are any good. has anyone deal with them before?

why don't you try phones4u, the link or Carphonewarehouse
atleast they've been providing this service for quite
somtime - and they do online transactions as well---

go stright 2 the supplier not a middle man (virgin,orange,O2 etc etc) more haggle with them!!!! O2 have been far the best company i used so far :)

go stright 2 the supplier not a middle man (virgin,orange,O2 etc etc) more haggle with them!!!! O2 have been far the best company i used so far :)


I agree with Jen on this one(first time for everything i suppose, lol ONLY KIDDING JEN). You have a much better chance of a tariff that suits your needs rather than a plan with offers of free laptops, PS3 and XBox 360 but will try and tie you into 18 and 24 month contracts at stupid rates. Keep it simple and only pay for what you actually need. Call all the main players, get quotes and take the name of the person you spoke to. Then when you have the quote, call them all back and plat one off against another. Only way to get a good deal, neer accept their first offer and dont fall for the 'this is aone time offer'. If they want your business they will give you a good deal.

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