Dewey died!


Fish Crazy
Jan 24, 2005
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I had 3 adorable albino cories, Huey, Dewey and Louie, who were very very busy and hung out, slept together, etc. Over the last week, all they've been doing is sleeping. I checked my tank temp and it had risen from 78 to 82 (don't know when, but we've had a heat wave over the last 2 weeks). I keep my place shaded, tank is not near windows, and I keep the air conditioning on low while I'm out. I lowered it to 80 and they seemed to revive for a day or two. To my sorrow, Dewey died yesterday, and little Louie is breathing rapidly and spending all his time on the gravel. I do weekly 25 - 50% water changes/gravel vacs, and water testing was perfect. What is the ideal water temp for these cories? I can't find anything online anywhere, but whatever it is, do you think they're stressed from the temperature jump?
Hi vanvran

I'm sorry to hear about Dewey. :byebye:

You're probably right about the heat causing them to stress and become sick. It's been happening to a lot of cory owners the last few weeks, myself included.

While a little bit of temperature fluctions is OK for them, fast increases in temperature are not. This can happen especially if your house is closed up during the day while you are out, and then cooled again in the evening. This is often the case when air conditioning is used.

Stress like this can lead to bacterial infections and to treat them use Kanamycin or Tetracycline and try to keep the temperature low (75-76 degrees F.) to slow the growth of bacteria. If your water circulation can be improved by adding an airstone to move the water surface, that will help too. Give the tank an extra water change before you start treatment, and increase the frequency of them during the heat wave.

Good luck with the others. I hope they get well soon.
INCHWORM, THANKS. I put Melafix in the tank two days ago, and lowered temp to 79. Now they're active like they used to be except they're hovering around the heater! I actually had to help the little one who was stuck in between glass and heater! Think they're cold? Ahh, fish, they sure keep you guessing, yet somethings are so obvious!

Is it ok to put tetracycline in the tank w.other fish in there? I have 2 platies, 5 tetras and 2 ottos.
:rip: well its sad to hear that but I my self also lost like 2 x 15cm golden severum few days ago when their is a black out and my fish got ich at that time as well so temperature of my tank is like 86. While no air for them they die. I know what it feels like they have been with my like 4 years now. I hope they can :rip:
IMCL85 said:
:rip: well its sad to hear that but I my self also lost like 2 x 15cm golden severum few days ago when their is a black out and my fish got ich at that time as well so temperature of my tank is like 86. While no air for them they die. I know what it feels like they have been with my like 4 years now. I hope they can :rip:
So sorry to hear that, I worry about that everytime we have a storm, what if the power goes off and the filter doesn't bounce back on. Four years is tough, we get so attached to the little fishies, don't we?
How long have u have those loaches. I bought my severum back then they were little and raise them, every day after work when I comes home they will swim to the surface and looking for food. Really I look at them as more likely a good friend then just a fish. :-(
I've had them (albino cory catfish) since February, but bought them all together and they were pretty much inseparable--like little white kittens, so cute. Even though they are technically blind, they still come to the front of the tank at feeding time. They are my favorites.

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