Detritus - How To Make


THE Triop Man XD
May 31, 2009
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so ive recently got hold of some of the largest triops eggs :) but i dont know how to make the Detritus that i need to hatch it....does anyone have any idea how i would make it?? thanks!
Deritus is just like the mud u find next to a pond.
Get some dry it out then put it in a small cloth with holes
in it and put it in the aquarium. Don't just put it because other
wise u won't see the hatchling. Leave the deritus in the tank/ contaner
for around a week. Ur triops will probably rip the bag by biteing it
so chech it every now and then to check if the bag neEds fixing.

Hope this helped
i dont have a there any other way i can make it??
get lots of plants where the leaves shed lots as it grows..manely elodea and camboba. when you do a waterchange, dont vac the leaves off of the bottom, just leave them. they will start to break down and that is perfect stuff! may take a few weeks or so to get the desired amount of mulm (aka detritus).
good luck with the triops! your last (or current?) thread about them was GREAT! :hyper:
you know whats funny is that i just happen to have that stuff! its the brown like rubbish i would normaly vac up right?? ive just bough a new 110L tank for my comunity tank for £30 (filter and heater bargain!) and whilst cleaning out my old tank i got all the stuff (that i vaced out) in a bucket still as i didnt finsh last night, ive added that stuff to it, what about the dead bits of plants? they have gone a sort of see-through brown, coudl i dry these out and use them?? same with the green ones can i dry them out and use them??

thanks about my other thread, exspect an up date with the new triops :) these ones im growing are the largest you can buy :hyper: i cant wait :lol:
yup..thats the stuff. detritus is simply dead/decaying and accumulating organic matter (the same term is used in forest ecology for the forest leaf-litter/upper parts of the soil). the brown stuff we vac out that we call mulm is also a composite of detritus. it is dead/decaying organic matter(old biofilm, dead leaves that have broken down, etc.) and is the equivalent of "pond soil". rich in nutrients and encourages(especially if heavy on the leaf matter) insuforia growth (thats why folks with less than ideal substrate maintanence often get all sorts of "what's this in my tank"..namely planaria, but also daphnia and hydra etc...all an important part of the decay cycle and they are there for a reason-to help break down the me they are a sign of an established tank). hope that helps a bit.
can wait for the next triops thread :)

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