I was wondering about what clues you go about using to sex a baby betta around two months old. Especially what characteristics would you look on a female to distinguish it from a male. Thank you.
Good question. I'm in the same boat with my plakat fry. I'm going by shape...long and slim is a boy, round and plump is a girl. With regular veiltails it should be easy to decipher since the males should be showing long finnage by now.
Thank you for the info and the trick. As soon as I can get her to eat I will test it out. I haven't bred any bettas but I have two babies a male and a female and I was just wondering how they sexed them. Now that I look at it the body shapes are different and her tummy is much fuller. I would have gone by the tail however they are both round tails. Thank you again...mostly i was just curious even if for some reason she does turn out to be a male so be it I just wanted to satisfy my own curiosity.
-the betta female has a small white dot between the belly fins = ovipositor
(joungh males may show this somethimes also)
-the male betta has longer belly fins
-the body shape of the male is slimmer than that of the female
-the tail fin at that age of the male are usually longer..also depents on how fast your baby's are growing (this depents on how well you are taking care of them)...but at a normal growth rate they are sexable at 2 months
Curious about this...and my apologies for sort of hijacking this thread....but for those who breed Bettas...at what age do you separate them all? When you first actually destinguiish male from female? Or do they not start showing aggressive tendancies until a later age? I always imagined someone who breeds Bettas as having hundreds of containers all over their house. Am I far off the mark?