Determined To Sort Algae


Smart Homes System Specialist
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 16, 2010
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I think my problem is that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, so if any of you plant experts can provide greater knowledge, I'll be grateful.

I have been suffering from BBA and GSA in both my tanks recently. Lighting is only on for 6hrs, no CO2 injection, weekly fertiliser (Nutrafin Plant Gro), medium planted. I understand the BBA is probably down to fluctuating CO2 levels, so I've backed off water changes. Looking into things in a bit more detail, I find that my light levels are high (22w in 65l tank, 11w in 34l tank).

With the 65l, there are 2 bulbs, individually switched, so I have simply turned one bulb off, which, to my logic, will turn that tank into a low-light, hence I don't need CO2, but a weekly dose of ferts.

I don't have that option with the 34l, so, to my logic, I need to follow a high-light set-up, if I want to make any headway with this darned algae. I would prefer to use liquid carbon (I already have some EasyCarbo). So if I dose WEasyCarbo daily, and ferts weekly, will that help me?
if you does double the amount with easycarbo its rumoured to have algae killing effects so i would deffo
For what it's worth

I wouldn't go mad, your lighting isn't that high (22W over 17Gal & 11W over 9Gal) gives around 1.3ish WPG for both tanks?
If you don't want to go down the CO2 route, then less water changes, done after the lights are out, preferably with water thats been standing for a day may help the BBA but not the GSA.
Otherwise easycabo will help with both algae.Personally i wouldn't overdose with it more than 1.5x, some plants can be sensitive to it & too much can affect tank inhabitants.
The general consensus seems to be that you need to dose ferts with N & P (Nitrogen & Phosphorus) such TPN+, 1ml per 20L, if using carbon.
This will also mean weekly 50% water changes.
Good luck

ps. how's the cross dressing scene in Hampshire these days?
Never really had algae issues myself but I know a complete blackout for a few days will kill off the algae. If you don't find out where its coming from though it will probably return.
I had both in my tank, BBA and GSA and dosing 3 x recommendations of excel cleared it up in 10 days.
I'd dose fertilisers that have n and p daily, you wont need much on those tanks and dose some carbon daily till the algae is gone, after wards if you want to stop dosing the carbon then also half the daily dose of fertilisers as without the carbon they wont absorb it so quickly. Both my tanks were 35 and 60 litre with the same two algae's and that dosing killed all of it and now they are algae free. I dosed 4ml carbon and 3ml tpn+ daily in the 60 and 2ml carbon and 2ml tpn+ in the 35 daily but I kept my lighting as standard which is the same as yours without you taking the bulb out and my photo period was 8 hours still, hope this helps.
Thanks for everyone's advice.

Stevo, I have vallis in my 65l, so I was thinking to keep the Carbo down to 2ml in there.

THerefore, 2ml Carbo and Ferts daily in both tanks. Had a look at the chemical analysis in the Nutrafin ferts, whilst it has nitrogen, it doesn't appear to have phosphorous, so I'll get some TPN+ when I can.
If I were you i'd move out the vallis while you dose and once its gone do a large water change with the lights out then put it back in, using 2ml in a 65 you'll have a long wait, I dose 2 - 3ml normally when not trying to rid algae but I do have a jungle lol.
If I were you i'd move out the vallis while you dose and once its gone do a large water change with the lights out then put it back in, using 2ml in a 65 you'll have a long wait, I dose 2 - 3ml normally when not trying to rid algae but I do have a jungle lol.

ps. how's the cross dressing scene in Hampshire these days?

Why, thinking of moving down here? :lol:

.Dosing easycarbo with my Vallis was ok at 1.5x, started to melt a little bit at 2x.Now that i'm easing back down slowly to none it has melted more on current stems, but new stuff seems to be ok

Thanks to you both, I'll up the dose then, and see how it affects the vallis.
Take the Vallis out and throw it in a bucket while you dose mate.
OK, so where can I actually buy TPN+ or similar? :rolleyes:

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