Design Issues On A 55 Gallon Tank Stand


Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2007
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im designing a stand for my 55 gallon aquarium using modified DIY plans i found online. i know where and how to put the support beams and what not but im a little hesitant on the width. i need to know how wide to make it so it wolnt be top heavy. the aquarium deminsions are 48"L - 12.5"W - 21" H. i want to make the stand 50" L - 14" W - 21" H. i know that might seem a little low to the ground but thats where i want it and plus with adding the height of the tank to it the whole the thing it will be pretty tall as it is. should i make it deeped back than 14"? iv considered putting an extra layer or two of 2x4's around the very bottom to widen its footprint and give it more support, i didnt want to do this though if i didnt have to just cause id like to save space and be able to put it right up against a wall. if you could see where im putting it you'd understand how space saving i need to be to make it work in that corner of the house. i can make a bigger shape work if i have to, its not like i cant rearange the furniture a little bit, but if it will be just fine without the widened footprint i would prefer that. keep in mind that this is going right next to my bed, and my bed comes out at an angle in front of where the tank will go, so if it falls forward it hits the bottom corner of where i sleep... in essence waking up me and the fish, now im sure ill be just fine... the fish on the other hand get really grumpy when they dont get their beauty rest and no one wants to wake up with a grumpy fish every morning :lol: my only concern here is the fish, i have no personal agenda :shifty: :lol: ya so how wide should the stand be? and any other pointers are appreciated :good:
I have a 55 on a stand that is 60lx14wx34h. The extra in front is great for small items, the sides hold a variety of things. The front lip overhangs a little, the footprint is actually 60x12, with no stability problems.

I do have five 5 gallon tanks, and a couple of 2.5's on the bottom below the 55, but before I set these up there were no stability problems. These are hatching & fry tanks, a busy area, if stability were a problem I would anchor the stand to the wall. You really only need to worry about stability if you have younger kids who may be prone to climbing, if this is the case anchor it to a couple of wall studs, it won't be going anywhere.

I have a second 55 on a low rack, 17" off of the floor, with a pair of 20's above it. This is considerably higher than what you are planning, and I have been working this setup for years with no problems.
all right. no i presently dont have kids right now so that shouldnt be an issue lol. and i talked to a friend of mine tonight who has kept aquariums for a long time and he says that i only need an extra inch front and back, making the stand 14-15" wide so i think im gona go with that, though i am reevaluating where to put it any way. i have 2 closets in my room and i only need one, and since the walls they are made of arent load carrying walls i think i might remove one of them and that will give me plenty of extra room. so you think itll be fine with being only an extra inch on each bigger than the tank?
I don't see a problem with it, as long as the stand is built sturdy enough. Here's a pic of the 55 with hatching tanks below;


A couple pics of the 55 with 20's above it;



This is in a breeding setup, I sit on the floor & do fry tank maintenance, if that stand goes so do I. The one with the 20's has been running for years, I lean on & over it all the time, no weakness problems at all.
ok, looks good to me :good: sturdyness shouldnt be a problem, iv designed it with two 2x4s at each point of support, and having 6 support points at that, one on each corner and to in the middle - front and back. now iv just got to find the time to make it. :lol: thanks for the help

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