For some reason my male has been very depressed, all he does is linger on the bottom of the tank and not move, I doubt he's sick because he's showing no symptoms besides resting on gravel 24/7 and only coming up for air and food.
He's in a 5g heavily planted tank with a filter set on low and his tank is cleaned %45 every 3 days and he's fed twice a day, in the morning and at night. He's been treated for almost every disease out there and nothing is helping. I've tried to put a mirror beside his tank and it's still not working. Any idea's?
He's in a 5g heavily planted tank with a filter set on low and his tank is cleaned %45 every 3 days and he's fed twice a day, in the morning and at night. He's been treated for almost every disease out there and nothing is helping. I've tried to put a mirror beside his tank and it's still not working. Any idea's?