Depressed betta


New Member
Aug 20, 2002
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My very first betta, still with me, has acquired a case of the blues in the past couple of days it would seem. He's gone through the advent of other bettas, & they've mostly served to bring about healthy, territorial, male strutting behavior in him. I brought one of my street boy saves into the house, & ever since he's been pouting. No more bubble nests, when he always has a pretty darn good one going, & he actually flared at ME, the lil whippersnapper lol I tried letting them meet thru the glass, to see if they would settle this on their own... nope he's still pouting. (The street save is a pretty strong fish, his colors are just really bad, nobody would have ever bought him.) I've always heard about bettas doing this but never had one actually go through it. Any suggestions?
Well thanks anyway... I'd thought this was an active forum...

The boys seem to have worked it out on their own by allowing them to fight through the glass regularly. Whether its made any difference or not I don't know, but I've kept a "heirarchy" as to who gets fed first... whether that helped snap him out of it or not who knows but the bubble nests are back.
Hi Fiss and welcome. Sorry about your first post on this subject, but I've checked through and couldn't find it at all. This is the first time I've seen this post. I know that there have been some server problems so most probably this is the reason. Don't give up on us - usually all questions are answered asap :) and it is a very active forum. I can't help you with your betta - I've just got one myself, also blue-purple. He's in a 10 g with 4 zebra danios. I was also advised not to put him in the community tank coz of trailing fins an' all - but I have noticed that he goes for the zebras when given the chance, so maybe I'll move them.
Sorry fiss. Didn't know you had a post here. I have had posts missing and not showing up for about a week. PLEASE don't take it personally. The server at best has been well...strange.

Anyway as to your betta boys. Most of the time they will work it out if you just sit back and relax. I have 5 and mine have gotten like that at one time or another and I just stick one of the other boys next to him and in a couple of days they are just fine again. Rose
out of interest, I followed the advice of some on this board and put some black neon tetras in with my turquoise-red betta, Sumo. It's worked out really well - Sumo chased them around the tank for a day or so (they had plenty of places to hide) and has to have first bite of the food, but it's just posturing with no real violence involved. The tetras seem to give him a slightly distainful look for all that immodest plummage he flaps about.

It's definitely given him a new lease on life trying to "protect" his rather large territory from the tetras (he had a 10 gal tank to himself). I'm now thinking of breaking the '1" of fish body per gallon of water' rule and smuggling in a couple of corys - having tank mates seems to have done him good.

I also tease him with a mirror once a day, and I read that if you terrify a betta once a day (say by chasing them around the tank with a plastic shark) it actually makes them live longer! I wonder if our bettas are often simply bored and under-stimulated?
Everyone had been so friendly the last time I posted I did think it was kinda wierd!! Oh well, thanks all for responding! I'm starting to think this particular betta is developing a durned personality disorder sheesh... He has one other buddy who is in shape/ healthy enough/ old enough/ interested in playing~fighting at the moment... (ALWAYS thru the glass!!!!) Lawd have mercy you should see the ways he's started treating him, like a little prima donna this fish I tell you!! Makes the other guy wait while he decides he needs to work on his bubble nest all of a sudden... & the other guy's just itchin to go, like come ON already FLARE whaddaya doin FLARE sink to the bottom HEY come over here & play with me *sniff* & Primo over there is just teasin the heck outta him staying up in the far corner messin wit his bubble nest... I think I need to make a name change...
:laugh: yup that's a betta for ya. I have a couple like that. Fun to watch huh. Rose

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