Denisons Barbs


Eater Of The Fishies!!!
Oct 2, 2006
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Hi guys,

I was over in Riverside Aquaria in Stirling (Scotland, my loval aquarium centre) and they had some absolutely beautifull Denisons Barbs. My tank has been cycling for about 2 weeks now and i think by next week or the week after ill be ready for fish. Has anyone kept these and can shed some light on their habits, are they sociable or would they prefer a species tank etc.

This tank will probably be my first community tank as in the past all ive kept was Kribs, Rams, Convicts and the like, so have a limited knowledge of little fish like Barbs etc.

cheers in advance :)

Ps the wife was all for buying them there and then, but i was like "CYCLE WOMAN CYCLE, CANT ADD FISH YET"

:-( Booooooooooooooooooo :-(

Oh well, start looking at somet else.
I have 3 of these fish in a 150 gal tank. They get about 6" long and are called roseli I have had mine for 1yr with no problems. I think you could have 3 in a 125 gal tank as long as you didnt over populate with other fish.
ne sharks here in canada. Very beautiful fish.
In Canada they sell as roseline sharks. I have had 3 in a 150 gal for just over a year with no problems. I think if you put 3 in your 125 and didnt over populate with other middle range fish you would be fine.They reach about 6" and get along with every thing in my tank.
In Canada they sell as roseline sharks. I have had 3 in a 150 gal for just over a year with no problems. I think if you put 3 in your 125 and didnt over populate with other middle range fish you would be fine.They reach about 6" and get along with every thing in my tank.

I've always wanted these but my tank is just shy of 200L and I was informed that the absolute minimum :/ they should be in is 200L, but the bigger and longer the better, and they do best in a small shoal.

So I've had to admire them from afar... :sad:
Their most common "common name" is red torpedo barb, if you search the forum for "torpedo" or "denisonii", you'll find a lot of threads about them.
What sort of money are u expecting to pay per fish? Saw them in my LFS @£15.00 each. Which I thought was crazy seeing as they should be in a shoal!!!

Wicked fish though really taken by them
I'm sure I saw a post *ahem* somewhere else and they said that there was a shop selling them for about £6 in Birmingham I think...but I'm also sure that everybody else was pretty shocked at this lol
I paid 30$ canadian for mine and they are a very beautiful addition to my tank. Worth every penny. :)

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