Denison Barbs


Oct 8, 2009
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Hey guys could use a little help, just wondering if these barbs will get on fine with my RTBS, Tiger Barbs and Albino Senegal Bichir in my 50 gallon tank, help is much appreciated.
Not know much about these Barbs but from what I learned so far they are peaceful, schooling fish. Im planning to move my Tiger Barbs eventually coz of Im afraid my Bichir might eat them when he gets bigger. Anyone had luck mixing these fish? Thnx
Like what you read about the Denison Barbs they are peaceful and they do like to school. It doesn't matter if you buy a few at a time, for instance, if you buy 2 one week then buy another 2 about 2 months later they will still group together and form a little shoal. However, quick word of warning, denisons do occasionally like to jump. When I cleaned my tank out the other day 1 of my denisons jumped 20cm out of the water and over the side of the tank, luckily I managed to get it back in the tank but they if you scare them, they might choose to try and jump (so a tank with a hood is advised).

Denisons go with most fish and are very peaceful, they like being in a group and will grow to roughly 15cm (6"), however none of mine have got above 4/5". They are a powerful fish and will swim quite quickly so best not to scare them. They normally swim around the middle of the tank and when feeding they may come up to the surface and splash the food to make it sink. Hope that can help a little bit.
I do have a group of denisons with an RTBS, but the tank they share is 8ft long. There has been next no agression, the RTB not bothering with them. However in a smaller environment I could not say for sure.
I do have a group of denisons with an RTBS, but the tank they share is 8ft long. There has been next no agression, the RTB not bothering with them. However in a smaller environment I could not say for sure.

I have my denisons in a smaller tank but saying that I don't have any RTBS. So likewise I wouldn't be able to say whether there would be enough room for them both. So like Sanj I wouldn't be able to say for sure, but more than likely the denisons would get on fine as they are a very peaceful fish.
Be careful of what you mix with the Bichir. It all depends on the temprament of the fish. I have heard of ones that are ok with guppies. And I have also seen photos of one that had a go at an adult Oscar. Just depends on the individual.

The Denisons are expensive to be ending up as a snack.
iv got denison barbs with tiger barbs and they get on great they even school together. i also had a RTBS with them without a problem.

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