

Jan 30, 2004
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i have been looking at keeping demasoni lately and i was wondering how agressive they r and if they can be kept with yellow labs
yes they are agrisive I don't think they'd work in a 25 with labs i am however hopeing to get some for my 90 gallons which has labs in so if you are upgradeing i think so, i think cichlid addict said they need a 50 gallon minimum even though they are dwarfs cause of there agresiveness
the 25 is jsut a grow out tank they will be in the 70g
As juvies mine are only aggro against each other--never causing any physical damage, just displays. But when they get to breeding age I'm expecting them to become monsterous, and if necessary will provide them tank of their own. I've had mine for five months or so in a 55 gallon tank..... they are still juvies, so in a 70 gallon (with lots of rockwork) I think they'de be fine for quite a while if you buy them young. They are really beautiful fish and some of the more intelligent species in my tank. I'd reccomend them.
Demasoni are very nasty fish. They are very nice and energetic, but fatalities with them are almost inevitable if you are only keeping a few, or keep them in too small of a tank. Tdins, you will be further stocking the 70 gallon anyway, so why don't you just wait until you get it set up and then get the more aggressive fish.
i cant set it up fully anyway right now it holding my nasty brichardi from my others but once i finish moving in a month i will have it fully set up the way i want it and then cycle it and get the fish i want right now im just making stockihng plan and i made a deal with my parent to not buy fish until after the move

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