Deltec Mce 600


Marine Keeper..
Apr 20, 2009
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I have this skimmer, but its a PITA with bubbles. Anybody have any ideas why mine is making so many bubbles?
Well its got so noisey, and was producing so many bubbles I have turned just turned it off and will leave it off till tommorow, and see if it makes any difference.

pull the collection box up as far as it will go and turn the air valve to approx 2:00 oclock (or until you still get good small bubbles). You may find it goes mad for a few days whilst it is clearing the junk from your tank

Is it a second hand one Yf? If so, does it have the silencer thing on it?

Seffie x
Never had a silencer seffie, it is second hand. The collection box is up as far as it is able to go, and its turned to 2:00. Im really fed up with it.
Never had a silencer seffie, it is second hand. The collection box is up as far as it is able to go, and its turned to 2:00. Im really fed up with it.

go on to the deltec site, it tells you how to order one :good: it does settle down after a while, but you will always get a few bubbles, well I do anyway, as does Trod but they are not a problem. Mine is actually closed more than the 2:00 position,probably 1:00, as long as it is producing small bubbles in the skimmer it is fine :good:

Seffie x

ps are you sure the collection box is up as far as it will go?
the dampening kit from teh DEltec website will help alot with the noise.
i also took thge degassing plate off mine and replaced it with some piping instead. this also reduced the noise and bubbles. Though i wasn't concerned about the bubbles as i had mine setup in the sump.
I feel your pain YF! I put a second hand MCE 600 on my 4 month old Osaka on Sunday and had tons of big bubbles first. Finally worked out that the airline hadbeen trapped which then allowedme to adjust the flow to get rid of the big bubbles.
I now have a few micro bubbles but have been assured they will go in time as the skimmer settles down.
The only noise I can hear is the gentle hum of the pump and a whiser from the breather tube. Hopefully a new dampening kit will help you, but I also heard the flexi tube used instead of the degassing plate works well and putting filter foam under the pump would also help.

Good luck :D
Well its got so noisey, and was producing so many bubbles I have turned just turned it off and will leave it off till tommorow, and see if it makes any difference.

I had similar noise problems with a MC500 I just bought. When I took out the pump and opened it up all the gunk that had been inside had dried out and set like concrete and was grinding away when the pump was running. Also, the pump had moved during its time in the post and was hard against one side causing vibration.

I paid £5 for the noise dampening kit from Deltec which really helped, cleaned the pump internals and positioned it central in the skimmer. Now it's very quiet. However, it does occassionally start to increase in noise and I simply tug at the power cord (gently) or move 'the sliding panel' down onto the pump to trap it or trap a piece of thin cardboard between the collection cup and the skimmer body - one of these usually removes the vibration causing the noise.

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