deliberate snail breeding


Fish Crazy
Aug 22, 2004
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Sacramento (City of the Governator)
I bought 1 "golden mystery snail" almost a year ago. She laid eggs in my goldfish tank, and I moved most of the newly hatched snails so the goldfish wouldn't eat all of them. Once, I counted 257 from 1 brood. I gave a bakes dozen or so to a doctor, if remember right. Last time I looked at the waiting room tank there were only empty shells, whic didn't surprize me because a lot of mine ended up that way too. The ones that did best were the ones that I had isolated with betas, but I did save 2 or 3 from my most crowded guppy tank. Now they are all together in my small guppyguy/breeding tank, because i haven't medicated that one, and i wondered if they were mostly affected by fish meds. I had 3 big ones in my goldfish tank and 1 of them died. I wouldn't mind having them in my comunity, buut they were dying in droves there with meds and surprizingly voracious danios. Now i think only 2 or 3 snails are small enough to be eaten, but I decided I wanted them all together. I had whaite ones and yellower ones separated, but now i don't care so much about controlled results, I just want results. One even surprised me by turning out to be a relatively dark reddish brown collor, darker than my mamma snelly, and some were partly pale and partly darker. At this point it will be inbreeding, but I don't know how bad that is. i do want to get a darker snail to add variety in the gene pool and see if I get any interesting results. It would be cool if I could combine black and white to get something like blue. I figure these are really your basic apple snail, so probably i would get the right species pretty easily.
I think I want to put them all in my half full 10 galon tank which has a hatch of cory fry in it. They won't bother each other, will they? I was almost ready to move the snails when it looked like my second batch of cory eggs were not hatching, but I didn't know how the snails would like the fungicide I use to protect cory eggs, and the cories needed the tank for their third attempt, which just hatched and there are about a hundred fry in there now. The guppy tank all the snails are currently in is only about 3 gallons and has 2 adult male Endler sized guppies and 4 babies, but I want to add some more females again, or try to find room for them in one of my other guppy tanks, which have too many adult females to let them all breed without having more tank space. I could probably put some guppies back in the comunity, but the danios are a little aggressive sometimes. i don't know if they actually eat adult guppies or Endlers, but I did have alot of little guys disapear in a fairly short period of time. I might have to give them non breeding girls or something because my boys are tiny. At least they wouldn't have to deal with a jealous female beta anymore. Then again, maybe i could kep snails reasonably happy crowded into their very own critterkeeper for a little while. I could give them a bubbler or maybe even a sponge filter if that would help, but i wonder if they would be reluctant to breed in a smaller space. I think I want them with the cory fry if they will get along.
Ok, I'll add on to myself. Incworm recomends no snails in the baby cory tank, so I'll go with that. The next question is, do I leave the snails in the 3 gallon and see if the breed there, (maybe move all the guppies out, or at least the ones I'm ready to breed), or do I put snails back into one or more of my bigger tanks and see what happens. They've all met, and my first snail was alone with the gold fish for a couple of months before she started laying eggs, and she kept it up for a few months. I probably need to test my water quality anyway, but I don't know exactly what the snails prefer. Hatchilings would almost definitely be eaten in my comunity or with goldfish, but safer with guppies. I like my gold and ivory ones and I almost bought a nice solid black one today, but there were dead fish in the tank and that particular store has never been very well kept when I've gone. Once the smell of amonia was so strong it hurt my eyes just to walk in, and today I had to tell them they had a hamster crawling on their red ear sliders and one of the African greys was playing with an old rusty razor blade. She'd already plucked her whole tail. I hope she wasn't contemplating suicide. I might have rescued her if I could afford it, but I have mixed feelings about doing business with that place even if they do have pretty gouramies, lots of baby oscars, and I've even seen cheep baby iguanas, which I don't have room for. I really should look elsewhere.

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