Delhezi Vs. Neon Tetra


Fish Fanatic
Jan 18, 2006
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United States
I'm having difficulty feeding my P. Delhezi because even though I put the food right infront of him other fish are way faster and get the food before him. My parents were at the pet store and saw some cardinal tetras they liked and put them in there. Overnight, all 5 of them were eaten by the Delhezi. I can't guarantee he ate all 5, but he was awfully round the next morning :lol: . So my question is, how nutritious is a cardinal or neon tetra snack for him? That way I can at least make sure he gets enough to eat every week. I'm not talking about every meal, I'm just talking about putting around 10 in there once a week. Would that be ok?
depends on how well the tetras are fed . Kind of expensive :lol:

In the past I have used guppies , but I learned to avoid putting them directly into display tanks .
[ you would need another tank]
I have , and sometimes still buy guppies , but I'll quarantine them [ for good reason ] at least a month [ you have to plan ahead ] before feeding them to fussy eaters , the thing is in order for them [ the feeders ] to be any good to feed to other fish have to feed them good foods as well are what you eat .

have you tried small crickets .
I've had a bad experience with guppies...I got some for my brothers pirahna, and after he ate a couple I noticed what looked like diarrhea all over the tank. Since my brother is irresponsible I had to clean it all out. Well...a little while later I noticed some tiny guppies swimming around. :rolleyes: In case you aren't following...they bred. Around here I can get a neon tetra for a quarter, which makes out to be $2.50 a week for them, not that bad lol. As for crickets, don't they float?
I know about guppies breeding , that's one of the reasons I said you'd need another tank , that and to make sure they're healthy ,.............they don't have to be feeder guppies :) , or guppies , they could be platies , or even convict fry ...just well feed ..... and only put one or 2 in at a time to make sure he eats them ..

Never kept P. Delhezi , but have 2 Senegals , they swim to the top and eat small crickets , krill , whatever it is we're feeding them . Maybe yours aren't much for swimming , I don't know
the delhazi will never starve just feed it big bits of frozen prawn just after the lghts go out
Feed him with the lights off, be wary of getting him used to eating live food.. mine buries himself for ambushing small fish, he can eat 20 tetras easily overnight and will not eat frozen if there's fish swimming around. I had to move him to another tank in the end, because my FW Barracudas never got more than a couple of fish each, then the Delhezi would finish the lot before morning..
is it still illegal if you give the Delhezi a stern talking to before you put the tetras or guppies in, and tell it that they are not for eating? :hey:
Theres no definate law on record making it illegal to use live fish as food.It is a grey area open to ones own interpatation.-Anne

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