
I use Gamma food, defrost in a little tub then feed with a pippete. Whatevers left, liquid wise, goes down the sink. Ive never had any issues and all i use is frozen food. Everyone to their own though. :)
i had amssive cycano outbreaks at one point! i then started defrosting y fronzen in a small tub of ank water and pouring through a net. I then rinse with a little bit of RO and add to the tank from the net.
No phosphates added and the fish get used to the net ;)
My marine biologist friend told me to rinse in tap water(our phosphate in the water is high and he knows it). Throw the cubes in the brine shrimp net and rinse off then you can soak in garlic or selcon and put it in the tank.
Well you lot have converted me, I will start to wash mine off. :p

Anyway one thing I wanted to ask was regarding the liquid they are frozen in, surely whatever the food is (say Brine shrimp) they absorb what is in the water. Therefore whether you keep the water or not you will still be adding it to the tank? Food for thought, excuse the pun :rolleyes:

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