
When it comes to lighting reef blue is much better than marine white at providing the necessary PAR (light of appropriate frequency). I know from experience that you can actually give a BTA too much light as I did and it ends in much the same way as not enough but at an increased rate. Many people who have had success with these anemones use 4x T5 50:50 White:Actinic. LEDs are relatively new and therefore not much information exists about the success of keeping BTAs alive for extended periods under them. There was an article published from a well known aquarist who quoted most anemones survive on average 14 months in the most up-to-date and diligent aquarists tanks. My personal view is that anemones are so specialised to life in the oceans that they should be left there. Many of these animals have a life expectancy of hundreds if not thousands of years and therefore 14 months seems a little short I think you will agree.

Kindest regards

Hi Joe, nice to see you back here :good:

However it is not my understanding re: actinics, they do not have a very high PAR rating - and for nems to be able to use the PAR for photosynthesis it would be better to have whites with a higher PAR. Mind you, I believe that some people argue that nems need actinics, more others argue they don't :blink:

So I would still say, go with x3 t5 white and one blue, as I have, or even better x4 whites with a couple of blues. My nems are now over two years old - i also hasten to mention that my nems are fifth/sixth generation clones

Seffie x

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