
Hi All,
Just a quick question how often would you recommend I feed my clownfish (pair) I was told halve a block of frozen every other day but this does not seem like enough although I could be wrong. Also what Flake food would you recommend as I am looking to get some off ebay or something.


You should be feeding everyday, as much as they can eat in 5-10 mins.

I use new era flakes
My friend feeds his pair of clowns half a frozen block at night and in the morning his gives them flakes/pellets. I plan I mocking his feeding style once my tank is ready for fish.
I advocate one starve day a week - be very careful you dont overfeed and cause problems in the tank.

Half a cube of mysis every day or half a cube one day and then flake (good quality like new era) the next would be ideal

Seffie x

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