deformed dojo loach???


New Member
Jun 17, 2005
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I have a dojo (weather) loach in my goldfish tank, and I've recently noticed that it seems almost bent or kinked. I didn't notice it when I got him 2 months ago, but it's very obivous now. Along his spine before the fin he seems to have bumps that buldge slightly to one side or the other. He also has started to occasionally swim in a curved position. I'll try to get a picture when I find my digital camera and can get him at a stil moment...but any ideas about what might be causing this? He frequently "nose-dives" into the sand, but I don't think that would cause it... :dunno:
Can you issolate him, as he gone thin as well, there is no cure i'm afraid.
What do you think he has? He's not getting thin, he eats fine, live food and veggies, even racing to eat it before my goldies and pleco get to the food...
It could be a birth defect, or if they go thin don't wan't to panic you but if he goes skinny it's fish tb.
ive seen this with a few of my dojos as well. unfortuantly i dont have a real answer as to what this is. my suspision is bad breeding. bad breeding can result in growths, tumors, and such. mine have never survived this deformity. sorry :(

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