Defeating Ich


Fish Crazy
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Bloomsburg, Pa
I am having an ich problem in my tank. I thought I had it beat but once again it has popped up. What does everyone on here use to beat it?
While i cant say i've used it in marine.. it says that it works there too but i have very successfully treated multiple FW tanks with Kordon RidIch+
im not sure about its affect on Inverts in a marine tank but i know it was ok for the scaleless fish... Anyway hope this helps
You don't want to use any medications in your display tank with live rock corals or inverts...
To treat you want to put the fish in quarantine and then keep the main tank empty of fish for about two months... Without a host, the ich will die. Ich cannot infect inverts.

I have used that product wilde suggested it is good. Anything with Formalin in the active ingredients will be what you want IMO... Rid Ich has formalin in it.
Well I don't know if you guys have heard of the fish store called That Pet Place/The Fish Place but they suggest Herbtana in the display with the fish still in there. I am taking your advice on setting up a QT tank. I will be running out to the only LFS that is open near me even though I can't stand the people that run it. Should I continue treatment of Herbtana with my display to help kill the ich?
Herbtana is a fairly new product, I have some experience with it, I'm not incredibly impressed with it. It is a very weak medication. It may help with very small outbreaks, but doesn't seem to do much otherwise.

IMO, I would still remove the fish and keep them out for the 8 weeks to kill the ich so they don't keep getting it. No need to keep dosing herbtana, the ich will die by themselves.
Okay. I will halt the use of Herbatana. Although I must say it does not hurt the corals or inverts. I just got the QT setup and I will stabilize it and test it after my run to the LFS. Should I keep the QT bare bottom, and no LR or what is the correct way?
Yes, bare bottom and NO live rock. Meds will kill the live rock. Just want simple equipment (i.e. heater, filter, perhaps small powerhead) and maybe a couple decorations for the fish to hide in.
Okay. I have a powerhead in there, forgot to mention it. I have few decorations that I can put in. Is a clean clay pot okay or should I go with simple plastic plants?

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